01/7How to increase the flavour of bland dishes?

It has been said several times that ‘cooking is an art’, which many cannot perfect. We always try to make delicious foods, but it happens with many of us that even after we put our heart into the dish, it comes out as bland or tasteless. These dishes often have a mild and unexciting flavour, and might be considered unappetizing by some individuals who prefer more robust flavours. Some examples of bland dishes are: boiled or steamed vegetables, plain white rice or pasta, unsalted and unseasoned boiled chicken or fish, and simple, unadorned soups or broths. While bland dishes may not be the most exciting or flavourful options, they can be a good choice for individuals looking for a simple and healthy meal that won't upset their digestive system or cause discomfort. However, if you want to add more taste to those bland dishes, here are some easy tips using which you can increase the taste of those bland dishes. (Images courtesy: iStock)


02/7Use spices and herbs

Use spices and herbs

Adding spices and herbs is an easy way to fix bland dishes. Experiment with different spice blends, such as curry powder, cumin, or chili powder, to add a depth of flavour. You can also add in some fresh herbs like basil, cilantro, or thyme can also add a burst of freshness to your dish.


03/7Add acid

Add acid

A touch of acidity can instantly change the taste of any dish. Try adding a squeeze of lemon or lime, a splash of vinegar, or a spoonful of citrus zest to your dish to balance out the flavours.


04/7Use salt properly

Use salt properly

Heard the term ‘Namak Swad Anusar’? Well, it clearly describes how important salt is. It is the key ingredient of any dish that can bring out the natural flavours of your dish. Be sure to add salt gradually and taste as you go, as too much salt can overpower the dish and too less can make it bland.


05/7Add umami-rich ingredients

Add umami-rich ingredients

Umami is a savoury taste that can enhance the overall flavour of your dish. Adding umami-rich ingredients such as soy sauce, fish sauce, or mushrooms can help fix a bland dish very easily.


06/7Experiment with texture

Experiment with texture

Adding contrasting textures to your dish can make it more interesting to eat. Try adding crispy toppings like toasted breadcrumbs, fried onions, or chopped nuts to add a crunch, or adding creamy elements like yogurt, cheese, or avocado to add richness.


07/7Try a different cooking method

Try a different cooking method

Cooking your ingredients differently can add complexity to the flavour. For example, grilling or roasting vegetables can add a smoky flavour, while braising or slow cooking meats can create tender and flavourful dishes.
